Gorgeous Getaway - The Bluebell Wood, Gloucestershire

With all this talk of spring flowers, how about a getaway that has you sleeping in a bluebell wood in full bloom?

Bluebells are an obsession of mine - I think there's nothing as magical as a beech wood speckled with gentle spring light, and carpeted with the fragrant blue carpet of delicate blooms. So one day, sometime in April, I want to spend a weekend at The Bluebell Wood, where a vintage shepherd's hut has been beautifully renovated and set in a sun-dappled clearing in a Gloucestershire forest, whose floor erupts into a bluebell wonderland every spring.

I'm not usually one for rustic camping and such, but I think it might just be worth it in this case - toasting marshmallows on a smokey campfire at night, while badgers and deer wander peacefully about the bracken, then crawling into comfy, fluffy bed, and waking from a wonderful night's sleep to nothing but the sound of birdsong and the heavenly scent of bluebells. Yes, I think I could just about manage...


  1. what a beautiful place!


    1. I think I could easily live there in the little hut, couldn't you?
